Directed by...William Wyler
With a career spanning over five decades and winner of three Academy Awards as best director, William Wyler has been acclaimed by critics and fans of classic movies as one of the greatest American filmmakers in the history of Hollywood. This program will provide an opportunity to reflect on many memorable scenes from such timeless classics as:
Wuthering Heights
Ben Hur Mrs. Miniver Roman Holiday |
The Best Years of Our Lives
Funny Girl The Heiress The Big Country |
Included in the presentation will be interview excerpts with prominent actors and actresses such as Gregory Peck, Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn, and Barbra Streisand who will reflect on their experiences working “on the set” with Wyler and how his perfectionism and creative genius enhanced their performances in front of the camera.
Click on the arrow above for a preview of this presentation